Colenzos Pala Tools

Box art for Colenzos Pala Tools For: World of Warcraft
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Note : This is not really a New Mod, I used deleted to get around the issue of not being able to update

This an Paladin Buff & More Assist Mod

- keep track of the Blessing you cast, adds remaining blessing time to tooltip and prints a message if one blessing expire

- create a info box that shows who in your party/raid need blessings (blessing configuration via /cbuff)
The Box Can Be Clicked in Different Ways (or Keybinding can be Set)
Leftclick - cast the listed spell
Rightclick - cast the short version of the listed spell
Middleclick - update the need list

- create a box with a warning if you are in combat but have no seal active and shows the judgments active on your target

- a fubar Plugin (if you have fubar) or a minimap butto to esay access the menu


All Keybindings can, and need to be set through the default keybindings Menu.

Configuration via Fubar Menu or /cbuff, every Command should have a short description.


I don\'t have FuBar how do I acess the Menu?
->There Should be a Minimap Button, at least the /cbuff command should be avilable.

I\'ve hide the FuBar Plugin/ Minimap Button how can it be activated again?
->Type in the Command \'/cbuff fu standby\'.

Where are the Config Settings?
->You find them in the Menu under \'options\'

Can I switch off Functions?
->Yes in the Menu under \'options->modules\'.

How to disable Rigtheous Fury Buffing?
->You select Rigtheous Fury or not via \'Selfbuff\'

-Emulate PallyPower Communication
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