Titan Factions

Box art for Titan Factions For: World of Warcraft
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Easy access to your faction information with a Titan Panel entry!

» Show reputation percentage, raw reputation, and rep to go to the next standing.

» Monitor a faction on the panel.

» Show how much reputation you\'ve gained or lost with each faction this login session.

» Show how many stacks of runecloth you\'d need to turn in to reach Exalted reputation with your faction\'s other races. Perfect for those interested in another race\'s mount!

» Sync with Blizzard\'s faction watch - the faction you\'re watching will automatically be monitored on the Titan Panel.

Color Coding:

Faction names are shown in green if you are Neutral or higher (can interact with NPCs of that faction), yellow if you are Unfriendly (cannot interact with NPCs but will not be attacked on sight), or red if you are Hostile or Hated (attacked on sight).

Reputation levels are colored like loot - Exalted is purple (epic), Revered is blue, Honored is green, Friendly is white, and Neutral is gray. Unfriendly and Hostile and Hated are red.


Titan Factions is currently compatible with and translated into English, German, French, and Spanish. If you play under a Korean or Chinese client and would like to help make this addon compatible with your language, please send me a PM.


Help! The tooltip doesn\'t show all my factions!

The game tooltip can only display up to 25 lines. The simplest solution to this issue is to open your Blizzard reputation window (the \'U\' key by default) and mark some factions as Inactive. Inactive factions will be removed from the Titan Factions tooltip display.

Can you add an option to change my monitored faction when I gain rep?

No. There are already several great addons which do this, and there\'s no reason to reinvent the wheel when they\'ll work just fine in conjuction with Titan Factions. With any of them, set Titan Factions to sync with Blizzard\'s faction watch and it will automatically pick up on the changes. Here are a few:

» Smart Faction Watch changes your watched faction based on zone.
» Dynamic Reputation Bar changes your watched faction based on last rep gain.
» WonderRep changes your watched faction based on last rep gain and some zones, and can print various information to chat on rep gain.


This addon was originally created by Corgi. However, he appeared to have abandoned the addon, and did not respond to any of my contact attempts asking for permission to release my modifications, so here they are.
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