Doom 3 - 3 - Demo

Box art for Doom 3 - 3 - Demo For: Doom 3
Size: 38.6 MB
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Here, at last is my final attempt at Doom 3 - 3 - demo, or initial - depending on
feedback and so forth, before i either make a complete sequel or continue to fix
anything within only Doom 3 - 3 - demo, unto version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 - etcetera . . .
Again, however - this is just a messy, only partially completed reiteration of old
Doom levels, such as \"Knee deep in the dead\" and so forth - except as a definate
tribute to those i admire so much that are so much better than me - \"Id Software\", of course, Classic Doom 3, Doom 3 Reborn, and \'especially\' the Doom 3 Episode 4 \"Thy flesh consumed\" mod teams and any other great modification for the Doom franchise !
Note :: In other words, here is my \'meager\' contribution as well . . .
Please email [email protected] for any comments or questions . . .
Thank you and have a nice day ! ! !
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