Revolution Under Siege Patch v.1.05a

Box art for Revolution Under Siege Patch v.1.05a For: Revolution Under Siege
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version: v.1.05a� AI: Grand Campaign, November 1918, May 1919, Ice March, Poland 1920- Reinstated AI scripts for Regional Decisions and 'automatic' unit purchases- Reinstated AI scripts for ANA, GRN, UKR 'non-player' Factions- Reinstated AI Garrisons for many cities as they become 'owned'� Drang Nach Osten:- Fixed many text and event references- Fixed RED 1st Armored Div event- Added some AI regulating events and Regional Decisions AI- Corrected RED Cossacks Option tooltips� Short Campaign [May 1919]:- Corrected unit creation errors [Foreign armies Supply units]- Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!- Corrected CityScapes for many locations� Grand Campaign:- Corrected Czech Legion demobilization events [creating Gaida Corps and several Garrisons]- Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!- Corrected Southern White Naval Force Pool change events [was allowing WHI to build RED ships]� November 1918 Scenario:- Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!� All Scenarios:- Corrected warnings and events for French and Greek withdrawal- Corrected incorrect Faction calls in events [Minor Allies FIN, CAU called, not defined in scenarios]- Removed events that could cause duplicated Polish Army (and reinforcements) in all scenarios- Corrected Minors reinforcements events for Caucasus, Finland, Romania- Corrected erroneous syntax for Trotsky Captured and Kolchak Executed events� Options:- Separated RED and POL Factory, Money and Rail options from F6 Various Options and referenced them separately into F6 Various and Poland Scenario [common, identical scripts]- F3 Leader Recruiting Options [Red, White, Don, Northern White, Siberian White, Komuch]- Now only spend the cost when you actually receive a leader [vs. every time you tried]- You receive a message when "You were unable to recruit a xxxx Leader"- All leaders in the "pool" are now available until end of December 1921- Available Leaders reduced for Ice March, November 1918 and Short Campaign [May 1919] to avoid creating duplicates- Corrected Alias error for the RED_Snesarev result- Removed White leader S.G. Ulagai from Grand Campaign option to prevent duplication.- Corrected RED Alliance/Break with Anarchists options to allow break only after WHI or her Allies attack critical regions- Tooltips corrected to match the actual values- Partial Mobilizations [RED, WHI, WH3, POL]- Raise More Money [RED, WHI, WH3, POL]- Party Members Join the Army [RED]� DB: Models/Units/Abilities/Factions:- added German-Bavarian, Austrian-Hungarian, Austrian-Czech as Multicommand abilities & added ability to leaders in Models- Localized Model and Unit names, shortnames, text [now the translations in LocalStrings are used properly]- WH4 Militia corrected to allow proper upgrade and integration into Divisions [created WH4 Militia model, changed components of the WH4 Militia Units]- Heavy Tank movement ratio reduced- Corrected missing parameters for leader WHI_Abramov- Leader WHI_Shkuro given Cossack_Commander3 ability [Whites Cossack Commander]- Restored Russo-German Commander Ability [omitted from RC3]- Tachankas now move at same speed as Horse Artillery- Fixed bug where a Polish Army could not be created by Polish 3* Leaders after joining Siberian Whites in Grand Campaign� Text:- added more Spanish lanuage corrections to LocalStrings_RUS and LocalStrings__AGE [thank you picaron]- Fixed incorrect text Localization references� Graphics/Interface:- New graphics for WHI_Kanin, WH3_Sirdar, GER_Bischoff, BAL_Zemitans, BAL_Zukauskas, FRA_Anselme, GBR_Poole, GER_Rommel,WH3_Kalmykov, WHI_Pokrovsky [thank you Nikel and Jack54]- Corrected graphics for POL_SHaller and POL_JHaller [removed imbedded period in filenames and Models]- Removed extraneous text from game-end Victory Screen window- Minor text improvements in Element Detail window- Corrected graphics for POL_SHaller, POL_JHaller, and WH5_Elvergren- Corrected portrait for 75mm Mountain Artillery� Game Settings:- Added parameters to GameLogic.opt to increase cohesion losses during combat, thus reducing the 'bloodiness' of combat
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