Back at Back

Box art for Back at Back For: Supreme Commander
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Back at Back by SvartfaR. This is a 5km x 5km, 2 player land map. The map is symetrical with both players starting close to each other in the centre of the map. They are seperated by a large wall which extends around each starting location to form a \'base\' area. To get to your opponent you must attack to the north and south of the map.

Both players are given a healthy amount of resources with 6 mass points on the inside of each base, 1 hydrocarbon point on the entrance to each base and 12 further mass points to fight over. Theres also a couple of experimental wreckages allowing quick mass to assemble firebases on the central north and south of the map.

I really like the way this map looks, the black/grey rock with the streaks of green give this map a real necron feel (W40K). Its nice to have a map thats not the usual green fields and blue seas , giving it the appearance of an alien world. With all the mass in such a small area this is a top map for a fast paced, quick skirmish. I\'d love to see a bigger version of this in the future, maybe 10 x 10 2 vs 2 team map. Might be a little to much mass for such a small map and only 2 players other than that I\'ve no complaints. Download and enjoy!

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