Team Trainyards

Box art for Team Trainyards For: Kingpin
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I have released a new Bagman map called Team Trainyards.

Team Trainyards is a rip/remake of a part of the single player map Trainyards (ty3.bsp).

It's a mirrored, medium sized, Bagman map set in some trainyards.

The team's safe bags are located in train carriages and there is another carriage with weapons, armour and health. There are also weapons and other items scattered all around the bases.

The money drop (cash bags) is located in the middle of the map and there are side passageways between each base.

There are plenty of weapons and items and 20 player spawns (10 per team).

There is a grenade launcher included but it is in a wall cavity in the centre that only opens every couple of minutes.

Full credit to Xatrix for making the original map.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
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