Fogotten Hope 2.26 1 of 2

Box art for Fogotten Hope 2.26 1 of 2 For: Battlefield 2
Size: 1.35 GB
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This is part one of the full install version of forgotten hope 2.26. Note you will need both files to install this but if you are upto date (2.25) then all you need is the patch.
Part two can be found here;113833

In addition to a large number of 'squashed' bugs, we are also releasing some brand new content for all of you to enjoy. You can read a quick list below.

-New Port-en-Bessin map by Schism – RvtL
-BF1942-style spawnwaves
-Team specific spawnpoints on many maps
-Two new planes (Bf-109 F4; P-47D)
-M-18 Hellcat and SdKfz 231
-Several new handweapons
-Fixed Operation Cobra/El Alamein/Supercharge crash

full change log is here
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