Doom 3 Models page 2

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all models for Doom 3. to select another game, choose a gameTop Doom 3 Models

Doom 3 504 downloads | 140.85 KB
Theres a new skinner around, and its DarkyDude! He brings us his first re-skined weapon, "Blue Cl...
Doom 3 531 downloads | 3.93 KB
TheRealSceneGraphManager stopped in with a Proof-of-concept/beta for some new lighting junk he's bee...
Doom 3 647 downloads | 125.46 KB
Mod to give flashlight effect with pistol, shotgun and assault rifle. Another release is coming soon...
Doom 3 851 downloads | 17.47 MB
_ \"Patch v1.3.1304 for Doom 3 from 1C\" = Version: 2(translation from 1C) La...
Doom 3 677 downloads | 38.6 MB
Here, at last is my final attempt at Doom 3 - 3 - demo, or initial - depending on feedback and so f...