Save Malak

Box art for Save Malak For: Knights of the Old Republic
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[file=\"51623\"]Original File[/file]

[quote]Original file can be found here:;51401

Original description of the mod:

Quote:This mod will let you turn Malak back to the light side if you are playing on the lightside. For traditionalist lightsiders like me, this mod is useful for those who never liked not being able to redeem Malak . I haven\'t been able to test it yet, since it happens at the end and I don\'t have an end-game save yet, but it should work fine.


To be honest I don\'t have a clue what this exactly updates because the author doesn\'t state it in the readme. Hopefully spelling errors in the dialog or something along those lines are fixed.

- JediKilla[/quote]

From what I can tell, all that is different is that some words have been corrected in Malak’s dialog.

- Enterprise2002
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