cards+of+destiny saved games page 2

found 46 results in all saves

Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: A Broken NecklaceUshabti figurines to mold 536 downloads | 106.92 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: A Broken NecklaceThe 5 statues are baked 336 downloads | 106.43 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Crocodiles Of SobekFinding the statues of the Four Gods 295 downloads | 99.68 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Crocodiles Of SobekOpening Akkad's mausoleum 307 downloads | 64.67 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Crocodiles Of SobekFound the four statuettes 309 downloads | 107.24 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Euclid EnigmaPassage is free from crocodiles 325 downloads | 115.36 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Euclid EnigmaMet Kordax in the library 327 downloads | 113.16 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Euclid EnigmaThe solvent is done 539 downloads | 103.45 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Euclid EnigmaGetting Souchous to turn the columns 298 downloads | 118.13 KB
Game: Cleopatra: A Queens Destiny Checkpoint: The Euclid EnigmaThe secret room is opened 369 downloads | 119.43 KB